The manual for HVS ColorGIF 2.0 is provided as a set of HTML files. You can view the manual with any Web browser. The file "contents.html" is the top-level document.
This version is being distributed as a Zip archive. Use WinZip or PKUNZIP to expand the files. After expansion, you will have the following files:
HVSCG2EU.8BE -- the Export version of the plug-in.
HVSCG2FU.8BF -- the FIlter version of the plug-in.
README -- this file.
HVSColorGIF Docs -- HTML manual for the product.
For maximum functionality, HVS ColorGIF 2.0 includes two versions of the plug-in: a Filter and a File Export module. You'll find more about this in the manual. One of the things the filter does well is run on other applications besides Photoshop. VERY FEW paint programs support the Export plug-in standard. So if you don't have Photoshop, you'll probably only be able to use the filter.
1. Locate your paint program's plug-ins folder. Photoshop has a folder called Plug-Ins inside the main Photoshop folder. Under the plug-ins folder are another folder for Filters and one for Exports. Again, if you don't have Photoshop you're probably only concerned with Filters.
2. Copy the HVSCG2FU.8BF plug-in to the Filters folder.
3. Copy the HVSCG2EU.8BE plug-in to the Export folder if applicable.
4. Restart your paint application. With an RGB image loaded, the filter should show up under Filters/HVS Filters. The export will be under File/Export if you're using Photoshop 4.0.
You can put the docs anywhere on your hard disk that's convenient. As a convenience, you might put an alias to the contents.html file somewhere on your desktop.
Purchasers of HVS ColorGIF 2.0 will automatically be entitled to download the latest version of Digital Frontiers' Java-based GIF animation tool, HVS Animator. Use the following settings: